Jam Session Music School, authorized by the Department d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya according to Decree 179/1993 of July 27, offers a wide range of levels of musical training according to the needs of the students and provides the necessary knowledge to access any course of Professional Degree in Music, as well as the Bachelor of arts - Music.

Educational Afternoons - ICUB


The call for financial aid to citizens to carry out cultural and artistic activities outside of school hours has already been published. Families will be able to request financial aid from September 12 to October 7, 2024, both included.


Study Plan

Jam Session School, Jam Session - Barcelona

* Grades 1 to 6: quarterly.


The Professional Studies Program is designed so that students acquire the necessary skills to be able to continue with the Higher Music Studies. It is divided into three levels, in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):

Level 1

  • Basic general knowledge.
  • Basic skills necessary to do simple jobs.
  • Work or study under direct supervision in a structured context.

From 5 to 11 EQF credits

Level 2

  • Basic knowledge in a specific field of work or study.
  • Basic cognitive skills and practices, necessary to use useful information when carrying out work and solving general problems with the help of rules and simple tools.
  • Work or study under supervision, but with a certain degree of autonomy.

From 14 to 24 EQF credits

Level 3

  • Knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts in a specific field of work or study.
  • Range of cognitive and practical skills necessary to carry out work and solve problems, selecting and applying different methods, tools, materials and information.
  • Assuming responsibilities with regard to carrying out work activities with a certain complexity.
  • Adaptation of own behavior to circumstances to solve problems.

From 30 to 35 EQF credits

All subjects are compulsory. Observe the peculiarities of some of them:

  • Complementary piano: Practical application of the subject of Musical culture. Except for those who study piano.
  • 2nd instrument: Harmonic for melodic instruments and melodic for harmonic instruments.
  • Big Band: Mandatory for wind instruments. For the strings the Orchestra is available.
  • Historical Harmony / Musical Production: You can take first Historical Harmony and then Musical Production, or vice versa.

Jam Session School, Jam Session - Barcelona


The Infant / Elementary Studies Program is structured in five levels, grouped into two stages; two levels in the first stage and three levels in the second. The age of the students is between 3 and 10/11 years. Throughout this period, song becomes the backbone of the environment in which the entire teaching / learning process is structured.

Children's Stage

From the discovery of sound and silence, the knowledge and distinction of the qualities of sound (height, duration, intensity and timbre) and its attributes (high-low, long-short, loud-loose, with the own sound of voices and instruments).

Each of these attributes includes those elements that are typical of conventional musical notation (musical notes, rhythmic figures, dynamics and means of expression). So being able to distinguish, recognize and use each one of them finally leads to the understanding and correct use of the musical language, and therefore of its reading and writing.

At the same time, in an eminently sensory way, rhythmic aspects such as pulsation (regularity and variation), different rhythmic schemes and their translation in movement are worked on, progressively attending to the increasingly precise synchronization with the sound stimulus.

In all this process, the three basic elements of musical awareness contemplated such as song, dance and audition (live and recorded without losing sight of the rigor and the necessary requirement in everything) will always be present as a starting point and benchmark of performance. the teaching-learning process) in all the activities, which will try to be framed within a playful context that encourages the child to participate and makes the effort he makes every day enjoyable and rewarding.

The final objectives of this stage are considered consolidated when the child is conceptually prepared and mature to begin learning the conventional musical language, at which time the second stage of the Children's Program can begin.

Jam Session School, Jam Session - Barcelona

Elemental Stage

Throughout this stage the student will discover the elements of musical, melodic and rhythmic language slowly and progressively so that they allow him to assimilate and internalize each one of them in an experiential and practical way.

At the end of the First Stage, the student is already able to distinguish very precise high and low sounds, such as the sun and E notes. The duration of the sounds that you can also differentiate will have the same relationship between the figures of quarter note and eighth note. From these capabilities it is possible to start advancing in the conventional field of music reading-writing.

The elements, melodic (musical notes), rhythmic (rhythmic figures) or dynamic (strong, loose, crescendos, ...) are always found in the context of the songs, some learned in the previous stage and others presented again, so that Its expressive utility is constantly present in an eminently musical environment.

The notation is done from the first moment in both Treble Clef and Fa clef, which provides better reading agility and will facilitate access to a wider range of instruments in the future.

Throughout this stage the students begin the study of the instrument, the choice of which is intended to be facilitated by making all those who are present at the School known through auditions during the classes of other students. Students are also introduced to the field of harmony, both through short two-voice reading exercises and through the interpretation of themes with various instruments (metalophones, chimes, xylophones ...).

With the value and importance of the song throughout the learning process, it goes without saying that, at all times, the voice is given the relevance it has and deserves as a musical instrument and as an essential work tool in this phase.

The final objective of the Stage is, above all, the sensitization of boys and girls within the musical fact and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to make language a useful tool to continue advancing in the knowledge of music and achieve this, a means of expressing their own sensitivity that helps them in the maturing process as people.

Jam Session School, Jam Session - Barcelona


In the Youth Studies Program, the student is prepared to face the Professional Program and continue with their musical learning. The four grades are equivalent to the first two of the Adult Professional Program.

Jam Session School, Jam Session - Barcelona


The Free Studies Program allows the student to advance in an orderly manner, although it is outside the official process of exams and certifications. It consists of offering the same knowledge of the professional program, but without demanding mastery of its subjects.

With three subjects spread over three hours a week, we ensure global knowledge that allows the student to access the flexible or professional program at any time, whenever the teacher or tutor advises it.