Do you live outside Cataluña and want to know ?. Now you can virtually visit our facilities from your computer, smartphone or tablet.
Google and Evolucio have developed a Virtual Tour of ESM Jam Session and Jam Session Music School where you can visit the main learning classrooms, studios, rooms, libraries, auditoriums, etc.
Visit us and write a review about us:
Tour Virtual – Escuela Superior de Música Jam Session
Tour Virtual – Escuela de Música Jam Session
* Use the pointer of your mouse to go to a particular point and clicks go once again. If you hold the left mouse button and move your mouse you can make 360º turns. For this feature you can also use the compass on the bottom right of your screen. If you want to expand or shrink the image you can do so using the scroll of your mouse or by pressing the “+” and “-” buttons located on the bottom right of your screen (next to the compass).