We start the year with an excellent fit! On Saturday January 16, at 12:00 noon, we had the pleasure of receive at ESM Jam Session a Master Class conducted by the young drummer JP Bouvet, winner of Guitar Center Drum Off, beating over 4,500 contestants. Also known for its famous online tutorials, offering both Youtube and your own site.
Endorser of the prestigious brands: DW Drums, Meinl, Vic Firth y Remo.
More info: jpbouvetmusic.com
After the generally master class, JP Bouvet made various individual master classes for students of Education Centers Jam Session.
For more information about the individual classes:
email jamsessionsuperior@gmail.com
Telephone: 93 325 04 90
Collabores Paradiddle, Barcelonese store specialized in drums & percussion: paradiddlebcn.com
C/ Montfar 16 (Bajos) – Barcelona.
Escola Superior de Música Jam Session.
Classroom 9 – Martin Birch (Vintage Hall).