Elementary – Kids Program, Jam Session - Barcelona

Elementary – Kids Program

Child-Elementary School Program Music Jam Session is divided into five levels, subdivided into two stages; two levels in the first stage and three levels in the second.

The age of students is between 3 and 10/11. Throughout this period the song constitutes the backbone of the environment in which the whole teaching-learning process is structured.


Children’s Stage

Since the discovery of sound and silence, it gradually deepens the knowledge and distinction of the qualities of sound (pitch, duration, intensity and timbre) and their attributes (high-low, long-short, strong-weak, with the own sound of voices and instruments).

Each of these attributes provides those elements that are typical of conventional musical notation (musical notes, riffs, dynamic and means of expression). So being able to distinguish, recognize and use each of them ultimately leads to understanding and correct use of musical language, and therefore of reading and writing.

In parallel, so eminently sensory aspects rhythmic pulsation (regularity and variation), different rhythmic patterns and translation movement taking progressively to increasingly precise synchronization with the sound stimulus is working.

Throughout this process they will always be present, as a starting point and benchmark performance, the three basic elements of musical awareness referred to as song, dance and hearing (live and recorded without losing sight of the rigor and the necessary requirement in all the teaching-learning process) in all activities, to try to be framed in a playful context that encourages the child to his participation and will make pleasant and rewarding the efforts made every day.

The ultimate goals of this stage are considered consolidated when the child is ready and ripe to start learning conceptually conventional musical language, time will start the second stage of Children’s Program.

Elementary – Kids Program, Jam Session - Barcelona

Elemental Stage

During this stage, students will discover the elements of musical, melodic and rhythmic language slowly and progressively so as to enable it to assimilate and internalize each of experiential and practical.

At the end of the first stage, the student / is already able to distinguish very precise treble and bass sounds, like the sun and my notes. The duration of the sounds that can also differentiate will together find the spoils relationship between black and eighth figures. Since these capabilities may start moving in the conventional field of reading and writing music.

The elements, melodic (musical notes), rhythm (rhythmic figures) or dynamic (strong, weak, crescendos, …) are always in the context of the songs, some learned in the previous stage and other resubmitted, of So constantly is present expressive utility in a highly musical environment.

The notation is made from the outset in both treble clef and bass clef, providing better agility and facilitate reading in the future, access to a broader range of instruments.

During this stage students begin the study of the instrument, the choice of which is intended to facilitate revealing live all those who are present at the school with auditions during classes of other students. It also introduces students to the field of harmony, both through small reading exercises two voices as to the interpretation of subjects with different instruments (metalophones, chimes, xylophones, …).

With the value and importance of song in the whole learning process, it goes without saying that at all times the voice is given the relevance and merits as a musical instrument and a tool of essential work at this stage.

The ultimate goal of the stage is, above all, awareness of children in the musical fact and acquiring the skills to make language a useful tool for further progress in the knowledge of music and getting this, a means of expression of feeling itself to help them in the process of maturing as a person.

